Thursday, April 26, 2018

Journal April 26, 2018 - Orchids from seeds day 9

Well, here it is day nine and, knock on wood, there is no contamination.  Something is going on, though I am not sure of what it is.

There are clumps forming and it may be my imagination but they seem to have a green cast to them.  Green is good!!

As I understand the process orchid seeds do not germinate like other seeds, but form protocorms.  That looks very much like what is going on, but only time will tell.

What is a procorm you ask?  The merriam-webster definition follows:

"Definition of protocorm. 1 : a tuber-shaped body with rhizoids that is produced by the young seedlings of various orchids and some other plants having associated mycorrhizal fungi. [prot- + -corm (from New Latin cormus)] : the part of an insect embryo posterior to the protocephalon."


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