Monday, May 11, 2015

Journal May 11, 2014 Greenhouse cucumber support

The Mathilde cucumbers have been planted in the greenhouse and the netting to support them has been installed; the plants wasted no time in attaching tendrils to the netting.  It seems that within very few minutes the plants seem to find the netting and attach themselves to it.  I am thinking of making a time lapse video of a tendril wrapping itself around a section of netting.

There is definitely a learning curve associated with using my new soil mix in very hot weather.  When we returned home from shopping around noon the tomatoes were severely wilted, as the valves attached to the reservoirs were turned off.  I wanted to let the containers dry slightly to apply nutrients, but I did not anticipate how quickly the plants would use water in this heat.

Other than that I am completely satisfied with how the soil mix is performing, but I will let the automatic watering valves handle the job in warm weather.

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