Sunday, August 10, 2008

Late season tomatoes and cucumbers

As this is my first year with the greenhouse I am learning a lot about greenhouse growing, and I still have a lot to learn. For instance; I really should have begun another crop of heat tolerant plants like tomatoes, cucumbers and eggplant a few weeks after the first crop to have a continuous supply.
The tomato plants in the photo are all clones taken either from the first crop, or plants in our soil garden. Although I must admit is has worked out well, as we had cucumbers in mid-June and tomatoes in early July, and now we have tomatoes and eggplant from the garden while these plants are growing for a later harvest, hopefully, in late September and October.
The small white box covered with muslin is a transparent plastic container that contained salad mix. It makes a great small humidity dome for starting small batches of seed. The seeds I am starting are flowers to brighten our dismal winter season here in New York. I will try to grow calceolaria, calendula and dianthus under my large fluorescent grown light in the ebb and flow system along with the lettuce. The seeds have all sprouted and are doing nicely under their sun shade.

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