Monday, September 17, 2012

Journal September 17, 2012

A dozen Tom Thumb lettuce plants were placed in system 3 today, that would be the tank on the left above, along with three plants of a variety of basil called Plenty.

The tank on the right contains Outredgeous romaine lettuce, which has already yielded at least three meals, while the tank in the center contains two varieties of dwarf romaine.  A replacement batch of seeds for the Outredgeous has been started to replace the existing plants.

At this point there are still two ebb and flow systems sitting idle waiting to be planted . They will be planted with beet greens and a Japanese chard called fudanso umaina.  The seedlings for these plants are presently too small to transplant.

As for the greenhouse; I estimate that I am still at least two weeks away from picking enough cucumbers for a batch of dill pickles. 

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