Friday, April 10, 2009

Free Seeds

Free seeds, well almost free seeds. That caption will probably draw some hits to my blog.

Last fall my wife returned from the local Farmer's Market with a small bag of ground cherries. She said she had sampled some, and they tasted a little like pineapple. Well they did, kind of, but they had a strawberry taste also.

We liked them so much I decided to crush a few and save the seed, just to see what would happen. I dried the seeds on a paper towel and placed them in a small zip lock bag, and then promptly forgot them completely.

When the Jung Seed catalog arrived I saw a photo of the berries, and recalled that I had saved the seeds from ours. It took awhile but I managed to find them in my seed stash, and started a few in rockwool cubes. Sure enough, in just a few days the seeds have germinated. The photo is from Jung's site and the description is also:

"Low spreading plants produce an abundance of sweet fruits that resemble Chinese lanterns. Excellent for pies and preserves with a strawberry-like flavor. Harvest when the husks are dry and fruits are golden-yellow. Also known as 'Cape Gooseberry,' 'Husk cherry' and 'Strawberry Tomato."

The point being; my seeds were completely free, and there are other "free" seeds available, if you look for them.

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